Friday, October 7, 2011

Consistent Changes!

Consistent Changes! That's really not an oxymoron, is it? Without changes we would all stay the same except for getting older! Someone once said, "The only people who really like changes are babies!" You know what, I guess we older folks and babies would certainly have something in common: without changes . . . we'd both stink. With growing and stinking and changes in mind I jotted a few things in one of my journals entitled, "Next Cross-Country Ride!"

East to West - The route for 2012 will take us the other direction. In 2009 I rode west to east primarily for one reason: I've always heard about the winds coming out of the west. Riding west to east was supposed to be a tailwinds adventure. Guess what! North Dakota didn't get the memo! And if the westerly winds are for real they must be at an altitude where I wasn't pedaling. As far as winds go, I have nothing to lose changing direction. I like this change but maybe even that will change when I get to North Dakota if the winds don't cooperate.
Take More Pictures - 4,000 wasn't enough! That's about what Margaret and I snapped with our little Sony digital picture machines. All I can say is, "Thank you Lord for digital cameras." We would have been *BFF with Kodak in 2009. Since a picture is worth a thousand words we're snapping thousands more!
Be an "American Picker" - That is a great TV show. If you haven't seen it yet I suggest you take the time you watch an episode or two. You'll get hooked.
As an "American Picker" I plan on stopping at more junk places, bike shops, and antique shops. Just for the record, the difference between junk places and antique shops is junk places buy junk and sell junk while antique shops buy junk and sell antiques. The prices are different too.
At these junk places, bike shops, and antique shops I plan to look for a few bikes. Bikes that are different, maybe old, used, and in such a shape that they can be restored with little or no work. After all, I have four bike racks on the roof of our Explorer. Should I not put some of them to use if the right deals come along?
Keep The Blog Rolling - That only makes sense. I need to connect with some of my favorite encouragers every day of the ride. In 2009, the comments I received were the fuel for the daily rides. The pedaling tanks were always on full. I am looking forward to hearing from the folks who follow and ride with us online.
Line Up Some Riders to Ride with Me - My list is growing. Right now I may be covered for Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, part of New York, Ohio, maybe some of Michigan, some of the midwest, and Washington.
Set A Date - Done deal! April 9th we plan to leave home, Lord willing. April 13th - 15th, somewhere in there, pedal away from the Atlantic Ocean headed due west.
Do Organized Rides Before The Cross-Country Ride - Sarah (daughter) and I are doing "The Ride For The River" starting in Jesup, Georgia in November. I think we go somewhere near the coast and back to Jesup for a total of 101 miles. That will be Sarah's first Century (100 mile ride). She'll do good.
Some of us also did "The Gambler" the weekend of the Twilight in Athens and "Tame the Lion" in Oconee County. Hopefully I'll pick up a few more organized rides before April of 2012.
Start with Good Tires - There are tires out there that are close to puncture-proof. I'll have a pair on the Cannondale R2000 when I begin. I will, of course, have an extra pair just in case.
Meet and Talk to More People - People are, in case you didn't know, God's most valuable creations: The only part of the universe created in His image! The biggest reason for our choice to ride the same route in 2012 is people! Margaret and I want to visit with old friends along the way. From coast to coast we have stops to make and people to see in every state. In a way it will be a Reunion Ride.
Also, it's very easy to make new friends and begin conversations when you ride to a restaurant, motel, park, or whatever, on a bicycle. There are two major questions and one exclamation I've heard over and over on the first ride:
Question One - "Where are you coming from?"
Question Two - "Where are you headed?"
Exclamation One - "You're craaaazy!"
From that point on any pedaler has someone's undivided attention even though the someone thinks the person with whom he, or she, is speaking is somewhat or altogether insane. But . . .
you've got their attention!
Ride Down Washington Pass - In 2009, the second day out of Anacortes, Washington, I was pedaling up Washington Pass. At the top of The Pass I experienced snow, sleet, and 31 degrees. The climb was tough but was well worth the effort. I am now looking forward to riding DOWN Washington Pass! "There's no such thing as a free downhill" is one of my favorite quotes. It may be original with me because I've never heard it before or from anybody else. If it isn't an original that's no big deal, it's still true and I'll still enjoy the downhill all the way to Anacortes. After all, I earned it two years ago!
While I'm writing about downhills and quotes, "Real Bikers Pedal" is another favorite quote of mine. That one may be original too. I've got a friend with two Harleys who calls himself a biker. I just happen to disagree. When he becomes self-propelled, then he will be a biker.
Back to Washington Pass, the ride down the mountain will be bittersweet because I'll be very close to the Pacific. That means the ride will soon be finished and Margaret and I will be headed home. I guess I'll have to start planning a third ride!
Make the Ride Eternal - I'm expecting a revival on wheels. That's what I experienced as I pedaled in 2009 and I'm expecting the same next time. I want to pray more, sing more (to myself), share more, read more, think more, see more, wonder more, and enjoy God's creation like never before! May all my discussions with new and old friends provide opportunities to share about my greatest Friend of all, Jesus. He certainly has changed my life and what could be a better opportunity to share that friendship than pedaling across America!

" . . . let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think" (Romans 12:2b).

May the changes be consistent . . .

*Best Friends Forever just in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

  1. Barry, I tried posting a couple of days ago and apparently it didn't go through. I have my mom's 1927 Ranger bicycle with the original bill of sale and guarantee if you'd like it. It needs to be sanded and painted.
